Pitch Presentation

Pitch Presentation

We will be doing this in slides, and it will consist of:
  • The idea and the setting
  • The story
  • The characters
  • Difficulty
It will need photos as well as links.

Slide 2 will explain:
  • The world in which the game takes place
  • The game's play style
  • The gear/armour
  • The NPCs
  • Different moralities
  • The classes

Next, we will be roughly explaining the characters (will also have pictures)

We will also decide on which platform(s) our game will be released on, such as:
  • PS4
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PC
  • Nintendo 3DS/2DS
  • PS Vita
  • Xbox One
Then we will decide on a games development software that we will use, and a software that we will NOT use.

We will also give examples of similar games that we drew inspiration from.

We will then explain things we need in terms of finance such as chairs, PCs spec., software, hardware, premises (eg: a kettle), personnel roles and pay, dry/wet hire (day), costs, contributors, specialists, contingency plans and the total costs.


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